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캐나다 코업 인턴쉽 과정

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■ 과정소개 : 휘슬러 관광서비스 12개월 과정

캐나다 인턴을 준비하는 지원자에게 레스토랑, 호텔, 카페, 펍, 클럽, 커피전문점 및 판매직 등의 서비스 분야에서 성공적으로 일을 할 수 있도록 준비해 줍니다. 효율적인 커뮤니케이션 스킬과 고객들의 불만 사항을 해결하는 방법, 팀 조직에서 일하는 방법 그리고, 고객에게 제품 및 서비스에 대한 정보를 효율적으로 전달하는 방법을 배우게 됩니다.​ 비교적 영어 실력이 낮은 지원자도 지원 가능한 과정으로 활용 범위가 넓은 과정이라는 것이 특징입니다.


■ 추천포인트 : 휘슬러 관광서비스 12개월 과정

휘슬러나 로키 산맥 등 주요 관광지의 호텔, 리조트, 서비스 분야 취업을 희망하는 지원자 추천

경력과 영어, 학비 충당을 모두 해결하고 싶어하는 지원자 추천

학업 중에도 주 20시간 Part-Time 가능

인턴코리아와 함께 국비지원 프로그램을 운영했던 안정된 교육기관


■ 인턴분야 : 휘슬러 관광서비스 12개월 과정

관광서비스 분야의 특성상 영어 회화 사용 빈도가 높은 분야입니다. 취업은 Hotels / Motels / Restaurants / Coffee shops / Retail Store / Inn / Clubs / Pubs / Cafes 으로 하며 아래와 같은 직종에서 근무하게 됩니다.













■ 알선방법 : 휘슬러 관광서비스 12개월 과정

goin.png Tamwood Careers는 전문 인턴 배정 업체인 Go International을 통하여 취업처 배정, 이력서 작성, 인터뷰 연습, 취업 컨설팅을 제공하고 있습니다.

Launchpad : 모든 Tamwood Careers의 학생들은 프로그램에 관계없이 프로그램 초기부터 직업을 구하고 생활비를 도울 수 있도록 취업처 정보 및 이력서 작성등의 모든 팁과 정보를 제공하고 있습니다.

Co-op Work Placement : 관광서비스 분야 취업 전문가가 밴쿠버, 휘슬러, 알버타, 온타리오 소재의 다양한 호텔 리조트 배정을 합니다. 데이터베이스에 기초한 Hot Jobs List를 공유하며, 생활에 필요한 오리엔테이션, 사회보장넘버, 이력서작성, 인터뷰연습, 직업찾기의 스킬까지 함께 제공합니다.



■ 수업스케쥴 : 휘슬러 관광서비스 12개월 과정

24주 학업 + 24주 인턴쉽    * 24주 학업 중에도 Part-Time Job 가능

24주 수업
24주 인턴쉽
근무 가능 기간

■ 주간스케쥴 : 휘슬러 관광서비스 12개월 과정

아래 스케쥴은 인턴기간이 아닌 학업기간중의 스케쥴입니다.

월 - 목요일
오전 9시 ~ 오후 2시 15분
수업 없음

■ 입학조건(영어) : 휘슬러 관광서비스 12개월 과정

1. Tamwood Careers 온라인 시험 및 인터뷰 통과 학생

2. Tamwood ESL Level 4 이상 학생

3. TOEFL 52-64, IELTS 5 이상 학생


■ 진행절차 : 커스터머서비스 12개월 과정




■ 커리큘럼

Course 1 - Canada, National Culture and Cross Cultural Communication

National culture and behavior, Canadian and international workplace culture, intercultural communication skills, acculturation and stages of culture shock, knowledge of the multi-cultural make-up of visitors in regards to tourism management and guest relatinons, establishing good first impressions

Course 2 – Customer Service, Sales and Marketing

Sales, marketing and advertising strategies, key customer service standards, understanding of customer personality types, effective problem solving in resolving customer issues and complaints and transforming them into loyal customers, SWOT analysis and its integral role in continuous improvement

Course 3 – Professionalism and Professional Development in Tourism and Hospitality

Professional online portfolio creation, setting specific personal and professional goals, targeted cover letters and resumes, identification of quality applicants from a human resources perspective, knowledge of skills and requirements for different jobs in the tourism and hospitality sectors, high quality job interviews.

Course 4: Managing Events and Destination Development

Market research, time management, organizational and teamwork skills, management strategies, handling special needs and requests, writing effective emails, scheduling, resource management, forecasting and budgeting, targeting and managing business priorities, destination life cycles applied to real world situations.

Course 5 - Tourism, Trends & Impacts

Public speaking and presentations, knowledge of ecofriendly best practices in a hospitality service setting, sustainable tourism and impacts of tourism, trends in tourism attractions, social and cultural benefits of tourism, and the future of tourism

Course 6 - Tourism Based Businesses, Workplace Ethics and Workplace Communications

Meeting negotiation, handling complaints ethically, designing ethical workplace policies and procedures, introductory knowledge of small tourism and hospitality business operations and business types


■ 기관소개 : Tamwood Careers

Tamwood Careers는 2005년 부터 캐나다와 국제학생들을 위해 설립된 직업전문 교육기관으로 50년의 어학 및 강사 트레이닝 시스템을 갖추고 있는 교육기관입니다. IH는 한국산업인력공단 국비지원 프로그램을 비롯하여 정부기관과 대학 프로그램을 함께 운영한 경험이 있는 교육기관으로 교육은 물론 우수한 취업 프로그램을 운영중입니다.


■ 학생후기


Kenny WessnerSwitzerland

As a young man from Europe, I definitely had my doubts about my stay in Canada. A new country, a foreign language, a new school and a totally different culture are just a few out of many points I was afraid of. The moment I joined Tamwood Careers all my doubts were gone. I got the chance to meet people from all over the world, my teachers were professional but entertaining as well and the program was interesting and absolutely helpful. I will never forget how much I laughed in these classrooms. You wake up in the morning, walking through Vancouver downtown, what is breathtaking by the way, and you just know it’s going to be a great day. Tamwood Careers is not just a school where you learn things about hospitality and tourism, it is a school which helps you to build the foundation for your future career. Your knowledge about different cultures as well as your skills in English is getting better just by joining the class every morning and talking with your new friends you gained during your stay. The course itself provides you with essential information and prepares you perfectly for the hospitality industry.
In my case, I wanted to transfer to Whistler to become a ski instructor. One day we had a guest speaker in class, an impressive lady with tons of experience in hospitality. It was a pleasure listening to her and I ended up applying for a job at the same hotel she was working for. My teachers and she convinced me to work as a bellperson at the Delta Hotel Burnaby and Conference Center which turned out as an amazing decision. My front office team welcomed me with a big smile which was the start of a wonderful 6 month work-term. Two of my favorite experiences as a bellman were that I was given the opportunity to train new team members and I personally got the chance to host the Vice President of Marriott Hotels Canada. Furthermore, approaching guest in a professional way, picking up phones, problem-solving, attending meetings are just four out of hundred points I learned during my stay at the Marriott property. I had so much fun and I could feel how I got better and better every day I was working. And in addition to that everything I did, I was doing in a foreign language, which I thought I would never be able to accomplish.
Again, I’m sure Tamwood Careers is part of my foundation for my future life! Even though I’ll go back to Europe, and I will be sad when that day comes, my journey was covered with funny moments, new friendships and amazing experiences. And I’ll go back as a different person, a better and stronger person!


Yandra EspinalDominican Republic

Canada has always been one of the countries that I’ve wanted to visit. But being a student here allowed me to do both study and work. Therefore, providing a better opportunity to experience this amazing and welcoming culture.
Being part of Tamwood Careers for me was a very significant experience. My classmates and I experienced many emotions together, from culture shock moments to great learning opportunities. Our professors were also very supportive and provided much appreciate praise for a job well done. Of course, there were moments where constructive criticism was needed and this too they provided with great effectiveness. All of this enhanced me personally and professionally. Specifically, the unconditional support from my two professors, Tyler and Rod, really made an impact in my life. And for that I am grateful.
To speak about my work experience fills me with joy and satisfaction. And that’s a result of having put into practice what I learned in my hospitality class at Tamwood. It helped me increase my English level both in verbal and written communication. It also thought me to work efficiently in a multicultural work environment. Learning about different cultures is truly a unique aspect of studying and working in Canada. I strongly believe that this will in the end mold me in to the best possible professional I can be. Thank you for everything!


Quang NguyenVietnam

From the first day I started school at Tamwood, I felt very welcomed. Our instructors (Rob and Tyler) are extremely dedicated. They always teach students with passion and are willing to lend a helping hand whenever we are in need. The faculty are friendly and caring as well. I strongly believe that Tamwood is a perfect school for people who want to improve their knowledge as well as create a strong competitive advantage over others in the field of hospitality.
Having a chance to work for Nightingale, the newest upscale restaurant of Rosewood Hotel Georgia’s Hawksworth, is a huge honor for me. The positions I held were Server Assistant and later, a Server Assistant Trainer.  I feel so proud having been part of the restaurant since day one when it opened its doors, observing, learning and working hard as one of their main service staff. I have learned and developed the skills necessary to work well in both a team environment as well as on my own, to be able to think on my feet to solve problems without being given direction and to operate in a fast paced, demanding environment. Working for Nightingale restaurant is definitely one of the best experiences in my life.


■ 위치

주소 : Suite 2001 - 88 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC

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